More than just good taste
A spread of honey on your morning Vogels is more than just yum. It turns out that something we have always known has been proven to be true.
If you’re feeling under the weather, something as gorgeous and accessible as honey could be the perfect remedy. Evidence for honey’s effectiveness for a range of upper respiratory tract symptoms in adults has now been systematically reviewed.
Makes the medicine go down
A study conducted at the University of Oxford has shown honey is good for colds. It is more effective at relieving upper respiratory tract infections, such as coughs, blocked noses and sore throats, than many conventional medicines. Honey is cheap, readily available, has virtually no side-effects and thanks to its natural sweetness, honey tastes great, ensuring the medicine goes down.
While honey for colds has long been used as a home remedy, new evidence has revealed just how powerful it can be. The study, conducted by a trio of Oxford University Medical School researchers, involved 14 clinical trials, made up of 1,761 participants of varying ages. The scientists looked at research databases for relevant studies comparing honey and preparations that included it as an ingredient with usual care – mostly antihistamines, expectorants, cough suppressants and painkillers.
Honey sorts out coughs
Data analysis of the studies indicated that honey was more effective than usual care for improving symptoms, especially the frequency and severity of coughing. Two of the studies showed that symptoms lasted one to two days less among those treated with honey. Honey was able to reduce the frequency of coughing by 36% and its severity by 44%. It also has the advantage of no nasty side effects.
Honey for colds – a great alternative
Writing in the journal BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, the authors said: “Upper respiratory tract infections are the most frequent reason for antibiotic prescription. Since the majority of URTIs are viral, antibiotic prescription is both ineffective and inappropriate.”
The researchers suggest honey might therefore provide an alternative when doctors want to prescribe something to safely treat upper respiratory tract symptoms.
They conclude: “When clinicians wish to prescribe for URTI, we would recommend honey as an alternative to antibiotics.
“Honey is more effective and less harmful than usual care alternatives and avoids causing harm through antimicrobial resistance.”
Quality honey
However, the scientists also acknowledged that the quality of honey can vary greatly depending on the product, which may affect the results.
Can you trust that what you’re buying is real, raw NZ honey, or could it be some adulterated version of the real thing? Yes, you can if you buy it from the team at Manuka Corner.
Get unadulterated, real honey and support the local beekeepers by buying 100% New Zealand raw honey. We ship worldwide. Check out our raw NZ manuka honey. It’s lovely, real honey!